Monday, October 25, 2010


Photo by Ma'atology (cell phone)
The Cos Charms with Homespun Humor at Fox

In recent years, award-winning veteran comedian/philanthropist Bill Cosby has re-invented himself in the media of sorts as a spokesperson to speak out about and against the ills of the African American community, but last Sunday, he assured those who attended his show that his state of-the-world platform would be placed aside after he did his signature strut onto the Fox stage, sat down on a sofa chair and spun his clever wit on life--sans the trademark cigar.

The recent Nobel Peace Prize winner's 90-minute set gave one the feeling as though he told the crowd, "Come in my house, sit down and let grandpa talk to you about life." With his famous face mugging intact, the topics he covered included amusing stories about the Bible ("There's some pages missing" was his refrain though out) , God and his making Adam and Eve ("She got her name when Adam saw her and said, "whoooo man" (woman)"), the word 'suck' ("when did the word "suck" become a bad word when you came into the world blinking, breathing and sucking? U sucked.") , and the difference between beatings and whoopings.

But the highlights of his show were when he talked about his own life speaking on being raised in Philly, raising his children (One of the best lines said was talking about his eldest child saying when she was young, "I didn't ask to be here," and Cosby said, "Yes you did. I created 60 million [sperm] racing to the finish line. You could have hung a left.") and his 46-year marriage to his wife, Camille (his advice to husbands was "I am my wife's oldest child." ).

He also localized his set speaking to the crowd about Mizzou winning against the Sooners for the first time in 11 years (an elderly member of the crowd was proud of the accomplishment and Cosby said ," You lived this long for this.") and The Rams ("Maybe they can come back as another team." ) He didn't however do any of his classic bits such as The Dentist.

After his set was complete, he continued to demonstrate that you don't need vulgarities, popular slang or topical observations to be funny. And it was evident of this with the well-mixed crowd's constant outbursts of laughter.


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