Bella Vita Ent.'s Erika Wells poses with Soul Stylz/singer Jamie Spencer at the debut of BOOMERANG, a showcase for local singers and artists. Spencer also was one of the featured singers that nite and celebrating his b-day.

RFT music poll winner jazz artist Lamar Harris leads the band, UG Project with the 1s and 2s and his horn.

Singer Krypto (who was erroneously pictured as Lamar Harris in the RFT as the winner of R&B act in its paper last week) on the mic with CJ Conrad as one of the background singers

Harris with one of his horns.

Theresa also performed.

The crowd watching the action.

Spencer sang Jaheim's "Aint Leavin without you": as Harris played the trombone.

One of the attendees was Majic 104.9 exec Arrika Parr.

Singer Teresa Jenee tried to get the crowd to loosen up during her impromptu set.

Parr and guest chillin in the VIP section.

A long shot of the stage area.

Jenee, Harris, and UG Project jammin.

Gettin it poppin...or so they tried.
NOTE. Overall the first installment of this last friday of the month series was OK. Lamar Harris was multitasking tenfold (dee-jay, playing horns, hosting, semi-mic troubleshooter) trying to get the crowd hyped, but for some reason the crowd was giving everyone who performed the cold shoulder. It seemed as though it was a different crowd than what the acts are familiar with performing for which could be a reason for why the crowd was not 'on." Even singer Teresa Jenee (who was not on the bill) even had to tell the crowd to stop being bougie when she performed an impromptu set(not good). Then the singer's mic was not audible with the music which was a bummer. Dubbed, "Bringing it Back for the First Time," let's hope this group gets it together the second time around cuz the crowd did not make it happen. Great effort on the promoters nevertheless.
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