Folk outside waiting to get in the Label.
Upstairs in the new VIP Lounge:
The SYGU promoters Daryl Gillespie, Eddie Hollman and Rhashad Whittier.
Downstairs was Mocha Latte gettin her hostin on. Here, she holds up a flier of her upcoming bday bash at The Label this Saturday.

Whittier made an announcement up in VIP that he didnt want folk standing on the wall and to dance. Then mentioend that if the bruhs didnt dance with the ladies then he would dance with all of them. Then he got on his soapbox and said that SYGU promoted hard on what folk should wear when attending their event and that many were sent off.

Some of the ladies up in VIP upper level.

Folk gettin their party in in VIP upper level.

Mocha Latte takes a quick pic with and SYGU member Eddie Hollman at the dee-jay booth lower level.

Latte gettin the crowd hyped as DJ Fred D gettin the mp3s goin.

These lovely ladies were attending a friend's b-day party, the third party held that nite.

In the house was Freetime's Adrian Saddler (in black cap).

A long shot of the lower level crowd.

DJ Fred D on the mp3's.

A panaroamic view shot of the lower level area. (A new special effect with the OUTCAM)

The bar area lower level.

The VIP area upper level.
Can you spot photographer/promoter Teddy B?

TOO MUCH PLAYIN PIC. Check out the dude tossin up the jack up in a VIP area lower level.

A different shot of the lower level.
NOTE: Overall I enjoyed this double event. However I do have some issues that took place.I had problems entering the club. After telling one of the bouncers that I was media (with my cam) and a text from Mocha Latte responding to my text that I was outside, but apparantly that wasnt enuff for the bouncer to let me in and said I had to go in the back of the line.
I didnt think so.
I stood by the door until I texted one of the hosts to get me in. Meanwhile, during my stew, photographer Maurice Bishop of Night Society walked up and asked what was up and I told him. So he walked to the table where a young lady was with the list whispered in her ear and got me in. Thanks for life! LOL (Come to find out the lady had me on the list but I wasnt able to get to it because of the bouncer). Dont get me wrong, I can appreciate securtiy doing theri job, but if oen has all teh proof that they are accessible for entry, that should be enuff!
After that drama, I was good.
After that drama, I was good.
Next, why was there more people without the Nines than those who were dressed with The Nines? SYGU's event stressed dressing in your best dressed, but many came in wearing street clothes and jeans(especially the brothas). And SYGU member stressed this issue during the party upstairs (which is immaculate I must say) Well, come to find out, there were people who came just for the weekly attendance to the Label as well as a b-day party that also was going on. However, those who came just for SYGU, and was dressed below par who RSVPd were sent back out the door. So the question is, Who's fault was this? Who knows, but we do know, the Label folk cudda stresssed that patrons couldnt come through the door with their usual dress fare because of the special event happening that nite.
OK now the SYGU party. It was classey, but we think it should have been at Exo or a hotel ballroom to be quite honest that caters more to the upscale crowd. Folk were treated to a nice ambience, free Jack Daniels samples and heavy appetizers. DJ Needles had the party rocked until the party stopped when it got heated--literally. You see, one of the speakers playing the music next to Needles caught on fire. Yes, ON FIRE. Luckilly it was just a small burn inside the large speaker and the bouncer rushed up there, and was able to grab it out before it exploded. That was a first indeed (well at any party that I attended). After a few long minutes without music, the speaker was replaced and the music continued.
OK now the SYGU party. It was classey, but we think it should have been at Exo or a hotel ballroom to be quite honest that caters more to the upscale crowd. Folk were treated to a nice ambience, free Jack Daniels samples and heavy appetizers. DJ Needles had the party rocked until the party stopped when it got heated--literally. You see, one of the speakers playing the music next to Needles caught on fire. Yes, ON FIRE. Luckilly it was just a small burn inside the large speaker and the bouncer rushed up there, and was able to grab it out before it exploded. That was a first indeed (well at any party that I attended). After a few long minutes without music, the speaker was replaced and the music continued.
Also in the house were St. Louis Posts' Kevin Johnson, promoter/editor of Elitism Joe Jennings, promoter Miata Lewis-Harris and actress Alicia Mosely.
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