Saturday, May 14, 2011

ipod touch 2gen

ipod touch 2gen. iPod touch 2g. desdomg
  • iPod touch 2g. desdomg

  • Mainyehc
    Nov 28, 12:26 PM
    MS hasn't bet the farm on anything. It bought into the game with a moderately high ante and has many many chips in its stack. Just because they aren't usually smart doesn't mean they will always be stupid. It could come down to Gates' successor's vision which won't be known til he's sitting in the big chair.

    Erm... So you're calling a slightly reheated Toshiba Gigabeat-POS with pseudo-WiFi (sure, it may be fully enabled in the future, but with a screen with that resolution, it'd be preety much useless) a "moderately high ante"?

    I'm figuring they are getting more and more stupid, each and every day that passes. Read a bit of Daniel Eran's RoughlyDrafted Magazine (, and you'll know what I mean by "stupid"...

    And by the way, there's already a "Gates' sucessor", and I'm talking about the CEO title, not the Chairman... Come to think about it, Ballmer is already a "chair-man" of sorts... :D And we all know how smart that guy is. :rolleyes:

    ipod touch 2gen. ipod-touch-2g.jpg
  • ipod-touch-2g.jpg

  • elrock
    Sep 30, 12:42 PM
    Why is it so impossible to find an orange case? I'm so frustrated.

    Are you looking for a particular brand? I bought an "orange" case from Amazon that arrived yesterday. It basically covers just the back and leaves all the buttons exposed. (I wanted a cover only to be able to clip the Touch to my gym shorts when working out; I don't really care about protecting it otherwise.) It's more of a bright metallic copper than an orange, and I like it a lot. Plus, it's cheap and ships for free if you have Amazon Prime.

    ipod touch 2gen. and iPod Touch 1st Gen
  • and iPod Touch 1st Gen

  • gLaDiAtOr73
    Apr 19, 03:34 PM
    i wish they could wait and roll out the new imacs w/ Lion in June. im trying to hold out...its

    ipod touch 2gen. Ipod Touch 8GB 2G,
  • Ipod Touch 8GB 2G,

  • iJawn108
    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    20 is fine, just make it higher res.

    ipod touch 2gen. iPod Touch 2gen Home Button
  • iPod Touch 2gen Home Button

  • aswitcher
    Aug 16, 05:24 PM
    I really want wireless earphones and a bigger better def screen. I just dont think its goign to happen soon or be cheap.

    I would prefer the mythical 7" screen mac that can work fine when closed and weighs less than a kilo...

    ipod touch 2gen. for iPod Touch 2G/Classic
  • for iPod Touch 2G/Classic

  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 15, 12:34 PM
    You are not a developer, I take it?

    Are you seriously suggesting that a developer should ship a product with features that are not only untested, but haven't even been tried out?

    What do you prefer: Unpack 8 core Mac Pro, install Handbrake, run it, 50 percent CPU usage, or unpack 8 core Mac Pro, install Handbrake, run it, kaboom!

    Being a developer with a fair bit of graphics programming and multithreaded development experience, I would say the solution is somewhere in-between. There's no reason software isn't being planned for the upcoming CPU architectures and newer versions being developed to handle such. In other words, it's no secret that this hardware is coming, we've known about quad-core clovertown CPUs for nearly a year.. Engineering samples started shipping several months ago (early september, IIRC). Too bad Apple doesn't make pre-release hardware available via higher-level ADC programs, only a select few get the priviledge.

    Programmers should make the effort to accommodate upcoming multi-core designs into their software development cycle. Once a new system is released, it should be a minimal effort to test and tweak the software for the new system and quickly release an update, thus making their customers only wait a week or two from when the systems first ship as opposed to several weeks/months while much of an application is re-written to accommodate 8 cores since the last version was hard-coded to handle 4. And then the cycle starts again in 18 months when 12 or 16 core chips start shipping. I don't think the software industry has really warmed-up to the multi-core paradigm just yet. They have been resisting it for years as anyone who has run multiprocessor systems over the years will attest to. But this is the way it's going to be for a while and eventually we'll hit a core barrier, just as the MHz barrier popped up. Both Intel and AMD are predicting 80 to 120 cores being the max for the x86 architecture. So start planning and figuring how to micro-manage threads and fibers within your code because we'll be hitting 16 to 24 cores by 2010 and MHz per core isn't going to creep much past 3GHz. And the current thread per task, thread per CPU core mentality that many programmers have is not the proper way to approach this.

    ipod touch 2gen. iPod Touch 2nd Gen Complete
  • iPod Touch 2nd Gen Complete

  • tychay
    Nov 28, 08:09 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    I think the first statement is correct or close to it. They may have had a single profitable quarter when Halo 2 was released. I'm not sure because they bury games in a Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division. Which includes their smartphone stuff (now that it has stopped bleeding money) and their profitable and acclaimed mice, keyboards, and other stuff (all manufactured by other companies, sort of like Dell, but with a nicer design).

    The second part I believe is now wrong. I think the XBox 360 is no longer a loss lead, though that might change as there is some speculation that they will be dropping the price to undercut Sony soon. I believe the fact that it is no longer a loss lead is causing a confounding with the "360 is profitable" commentaries here.

    Another commenter mentioned how smart it was was the XBox had a hard drive on it. I’d say if it is so smart why did Microsoft remove it in the base model 360? I’ll point out that this happened because the price of hard drives do not get any cheaper! In fact the price of commodity hardware design doesn’t get any cheaper! Huh? Hard drives get bigger, not cheaper. Processors and chips get more powerful, not cheaper.

    What went on is that successive iterations of the Playstation and Playstation 2 would allow Sony to combine chips to reduce the price (and make smaller PSOne and slim-cased Playstation 2). This outlet wasn't available to Microsoft because of their design which is why the XBox was a losing money for it's entire run and Sony played games by dropping their price before it ever turned a profit.

    Those two things are "of a piece". While commodity hardware was an interesting idea, it was a failure. Which is why the XBox 360 is not built from commodity PC hardware. The hard drives are a necessary evil of the "Live" strategy so they're left in as an option and bundled with the Playstation 3. That's why these 6G consoles are expensive and not dropping in price fast.

    Right now all this is moot since the thing to watch is the Sony gamble on a blue laser. Obviously it will get cheaper fast, but the question is how fast and how cheap? The horrible yields on the Cell processor isn't helping things.

    Currently, the XBox 360 has sold very consistently at around 1.5 million units a quarter. The XMas quarter last year had supply issues and only sold .9 million units. That's hardly dominating. In fact, I think the Playstation 2 outsold the 360 in each of those quarters even though the device is six years old. Let's put some numbers here. Last year over 100 million Playstation 2’s had been sold, six months ago, they were selling 380k/month. The XBox 360 sold 6 million units since it's introduction over a year ago, six months ago they were selling 300k/month, they had fixed the channel problems that plagued the release.

    Consider this: Nintendo sold 600,000 Wiis in the last eight days. Given the scarcity of the Playstation 3 and the popularity and addictiveness of WiiSports and Zelda, they should easily crush that .9 million opening quarter of the 360. And consider this: each unit at a profit with a number of titles putting money directly in Nintendo's pocket.

    I'm not claiming that the Wii will beat the 360. I'm just pointing out that according to sales numbers, the 360 is no iPod, is not trending to an iPod, will never be an iPod. The iPod sits on 75% market share. The closest thing to an iPod in the entertainment market is the Playstation 2.

    Which is a big distraction from the point. And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone Microsoft play to see that the Zune is a bad idea. How many years and failed ideas have there been (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, PocketPC, etc. etc.)? How many billions sunk (some years more than the entire capitalization of the PDA market)? How much marketshare? 6% of smartphones, 60% of the dead-end PDA market, and most of the dead ATM teller market (because IBM did a phased pull out, not because Microsoft "won"). And even those markets are being eaten by Linux faster than Windows.

    The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

    ipod touch 2gen. The iPod Touch 2nd Gen (second
  • The iPod Touch 2nd Gen (second

  • sjp5317
    Mar 23, 09:11 AM
    I wonder if they'd give a revamped Classic Airplay capabilities... in addition to being the pocket media player we all know and love make it an addition to your other devices as a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. I'd buy another one then. I mean, I have a terabyte Toshiba drive that i carry in my laptop case, but that requires the USB cable. Who wants to dongle their drive?

    dongle their drive
    There must be a potential joke there :)

    ipod touch 2gen. place your iPod Touch 2G
  • place your iPod Touch 2G

  • MacRumors
    Jul 19, 03:40 PM (

    Apple posted their ( 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.

    Apple posted revenue of $4.37 billion and a net quarterly profit of $472 million or $.54 per diluted share. For reference, the year-ago quarter brought in $3.53 billion in revenue, net profit of $320 million or $.37 per diluted share.

    Apple shipped 1,327,000 Macintosh computers and 8,111,000 iPods during this quarter which represents a 12% growth in Macs and 32% growth in iPods year-over-year.

    - 75% of Macs sold during the quarter used Intel processors.
    - 2nd highest quarterly sales and earnings in Apple's history
    - International sales accounted for 39 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
    - iPod continued to earn a US market share of over 75 percent
    - Desktops: 529,000, down 14% from previous quarter
    - Portables: 798,000, up 60% from previous quarter
    - iPods: 8,526,000

    Live streaming of the results conference call will be broadcast at 5pm EST (


    - Mac: 55% of revenue. Increased sales to 1.327 million.
    -- Pleased with Intel transition. "Solidly" on track to update Xserve and PowerMac by end of this year.
    -- Over 2900 Universal Applications.
    -- Most "critical" applications will be converted by September
    -- MacBook very well received
    -- Happy with the Mac ad campaign, feel that it is contributing to Apple's momentum
    - iPod
    -- NPD: 75% of market share US (MP3)
    -- Other music product revenue up 90% year over year
    -- Strong sales of iTunes and iPod accesories
    -- iTunes Music Store - 85% marketshare.
    -- Enthusiastic about upcoming iTunes/iPod products in the pipeline
    - Retail
    -- 146 stores open during quarter.
    -- 50% of buyers are new to Mac.
    - Outlook:
    -- "Very excited about and confident in the products in our pipeline."


    Q: How important is it to hit the holiday season. and how innovative can innovative be [w/ respect to iPods]?
    A: We don't talk about unannounced products, but "very confident" in products in our pipeline.

    Q: Markets: Consumer, Education, Pro
    A: The MacBook was in high demand in both consumer and education. Pro market has been slow - thought to be due to wait in PowerMac with Intel and some Universal apps. Education market did very well. Higher edu grew 31% year to year. Very well poised in going into school season.

    Q: Assuming any contribution from Leopard for the September [next] quarter?
    A: We've not announced the ship date for Leopard, but will show the new features at WWDC.

    Q: Does the fact that Intel rolls our processors more quickly and drops prices affect you? Will you be adjusting prices more frequently or same as you have been with new product releases?
    A: We're very pleased to be working with Intel. A great partner. They have the best processor by far in our current and upcoming products. Pleased with the new products, but as you know we don't discuss our unannounced products. don't want to comment on how we'll be changing our pricing.

    Q: Will there be any surprises at WWDC?
    A: [Laughter, then Openheimer:] Well, you will have to come and attend.

    Digg This (!_2nd_Best_In_Company_History!)

    ipod touch 2gen. 2 gen iPod Touch
  • 2 gen iPod Touch

  • AidenShaw
    Aug 26, 11:19 PM
    Wow, Aiden, you sound pretty confident about that. Do you know something that the rest of us don't? (It would make sense, however, to have a mid-range single Conroe-based desktop.)
    It's not that I know anything - it's just that it's so bloody obvious that nothing in Apple's current lineup is even remotely suitable for a home theater PC....

    However, a Conroe in a DVD-player sized case, with 2 or 3 500GB or 750GB drives, a couple of TV tuners (SD and HD), FrontRow on steroids - then you'd have something.

    Take a peek at what available in Windows for the Home Theatre space - like:

    Conroes with quad TV tuners, RAID, touch-screen controls....

    ipod touch 2gen. New Toy (ipod touch 8GB 2nd
  • New Toy (ipod touch 8GB 2nd

  • Bengt77
    Aug 25, 04:56 PM
    7. iMacs will get:

    Core 2 Duo E6700 - 2.67 GHz (4 MiB L2, 1066 MHz FSB) and
    Core 2 Duo E6600 - 2.40 GHz (4 MiB L2, 1066 MHz FSB)
    Man, that sounds good! I'll take one. To take away, please. Djeez, I am so ready for a new iMac! :o

    ipod touch 2gen. For sale 8GB iPod Touch (2nd
  • For sale 8GB iPod Touch (2nd

  • Lord Blackadder
    Feb 23, 01:21 AM
    Anyway, here is my point on the diesel vs. hybrids: After a quick glance around the web, I see the Toyota Prius stats at $23,050 and is rated at 51/48 MPG. The 4 door Golf TDI starts at $23,885 and is rated at 42/30 for the auto. Given the differences in mileage and difference in fuel prices, it is really hard for the average buyer to justify buying a diesel. Yes, I have read all over the internet about people getting insane mileage out of the diesels, but most people are just going to look at the ratings and compare that.

    They will, but VW rated its mileage conservatively, because they wanted to make sure their new diesel didn't promise more than it delivered. I think that VW may revise those numbers in the future.

    A diesel is still simpler, cheaper and potentially more reliable than a hybrid, and gives better fuel economy than a gasoline-engined car. So there is a definite market there, one that is likely to grow in the near future.

    They are exempt from CAFE( since HD's are supposed to be work trucks and all), but they are required to meet the new diesel emissions laws.

    True, that's a good point. But my original point was that the "Americans don't want diesels" argument doesn't hold water if people are buying diesel trucks in healthy numbers.

    ipod touch 2gen. IPOD TOUCH 2GEN 16GB RM599

  • skiltrip
    Oct 6, 08:02 PM
    I thought the case was translucent.

    Belkin does make a translucent version called Grip Vue (Tint), sold on their website. Best Buy, however seems to have a exclusive set of colors just for them. The solid Aqua, Fuscia, Neon Green, and Night Sky (purple).

    ipod touch 2gen. Apple iPod Touch 2nd Gen (32
  • Apple iPod Touch 2nd Gen (32

  • karmapolice63
    Jan 12, 05:22 PM
    is it just me or does it seem like apple is becoming the Wonka factory for computers?

    ipod touch 2gen. iPod Touch 2gen Sticker
  • iPod Touch 2gen Sticker

  • Yaboze
    Mar 26, 10:57 PM
    It looks very cool and I'm impressed by the 1080p video. I didn't think there was enough video memory to do that.

    The iPad + HDMI adapter looks a little awkward though. I think a cooler solution would be to have bluetooth controller support, like PS3 controllers or maybe even use the iPhone for the controller via bluetooth.

    Either way, it's impressive. Not quite Xbox 360/PS3 but definitely better than the Wii.

    ipod touch 2gen. ipod touch 2nd gen 16 gb 9500
  • ipod touch 2nd gen 16 gb 9500

  • FoxMcCloud
    Mar 22, 04:27 PM
    220GB would tie in nicely with 24 bit songs.

    ipod touch 2gen. Buy Now middot; Griffin
  • Buy Now middot; Griffin

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 01:11 PM
    trademarking app store. How pompous. What's next, trademarking computer store, book store, pet store? LOL.

    Pet Store was trademarked but later abandoned:

    Trademark Electronic Search System (

    You'll have to search the term pet store. I can't post a link to the specific record.

    These things are commonly done. It may be a new concept to you so perhaps you should research the subject a bit.

    ipod touch 2gen. 1G-2G shuffle / iPod touch
  • 1G-2G shuffle / iPod touch

  • crazycat
    Sep 1, 03:51 PM
    Well if its true all i can say is to late, why could'nt they have brought it out when the intel iMacs came out :(

    ipod touch 2gen. ipod touch 2gen digitizer
  • ipod touch 2gen digitizer

  • blizaine
    Sep 14, 11:28 AM
    Consumer Reports says "we still think the same thing" for the third time and that's first page news? Sounds more like they're fishing for free publicity.

    That is all they ever do. It's all about page hits and controversy for them. They did the same thing with the whole protein drink scare they tried to create a few months ago, that his been disproved multiple times.

    Mar 26, 02:07 AM
    I simply LOVE how people talk about 1080p without mentioning bitrate. When the A5 chip can handle 1080p video at 40 Mb/s, this will be newsworthy.

    Aug 16, 10:06 AM
    They just pulled it off their website a few minutes ago but it was a photo of the wireless iPod!

    I saved a pic of it in my cache and posted for you to see!!!

    It does iTunes and video and the screen is enormous!!

    Full screen iChat messaging is availble with the built in iSight!

    It is also in black!

    I can't wait to get my hands on one of these, looks great for watching movies.

    Genius! Can't believe none of us thought of how to integrate the keyboard. Just make it fold!! :eek:

    Can't believe they got rid of the click wheel though, although that rectangular thing would probably work the screen pretty well.

    Jun 23, 03:10 PM
    Remember this design? Maybe they THOUGHT it was a touch enabled iMac, but just the iPad in a dock that looked like an iMac:

    Something like this could be feasible now that the iPad is out. Throw in the rumored MagicPad and the Magic Mouse, along with a slim keyboard, and voila, a touch enabled iMac-like computer.

    Just a thought.

    Mar 24, 01:54 PM
    Looks like NVIDIA is going to be out of the picture for a while. After the Mac Mini, MacBook and MacBook Air are updated to Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge it will be all Intel/AMD graphics across the board. Apple should really think about implementing hardware acceleration for AMD/ATI cards and Intel's IGP. Hopefully it will be there in Lion.

    Jan 12, 01:10 PM
    Why do some posters have problems with a consumer notebook having an Alu finish? Is the iMac not a consumer product?

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