Monday, May 9, 2011

Pasos Para Dibujar

Pasos Para Dibujar. En este video puedes ver cómo
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  • Popeye206
    Mar 28, 10:49 AM
    No iPhone 5, but there will be iPhone invisio!

    ROTF. Dated. That must be why the recent mobile industry event that Apple didn't sponsor nor attend voted iPhone the best phone on the market.

    Well... it doesn't have Flash support, or 4G, or the fastest multi-core processor, or the largest screen!

    Now of course, lack a Flash has not been a big deal for me, and just because 90% of the US does not have 4G yet doesn't matter. I know if I see someone with more specs than my iPhone I instantly start having technowhinnieitis attacks and feel inferior... even though my iPhone works great, is fast, has the best screen on the market and iOS is easy to use and work with... does not matter! I want more!!!! :rolleyes:

    Oh.... I hope you can see the sarcasm! :p

    The way I see it is they have a hot product line now... take their time, focus on the new OS's and give us something killer in the fall. I see no downside.

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  • 2 Replies
    Apr 26, 02:42 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    Do we consider the 13" Macbook to be in a different market than the 15" Macbook Pro? No, they're both laptops.

    And thus, everyone will soon wake up and realize that ALL iOS devices should be compared against ALL Android devices. These 'smartphone only' lists may still make sense in but in 2 or 3 years these kind of measurements will be seen as worthless.

    Your argument is so inane it's barely worth a reply.
    You do realize that not all tablets require a contract, right?
    When it comes to laptops, the only thing that's different between a 13" and a 15" will be the screen size. But a tablet and a phone are INHERENTLY different.
    My android tablet is wifi only and serves a totally separate function from my iPhone, my windows laptop, my linux server-cluster or my HTPC.
    So why should tablets be dumped into the same category as mobile phones? Just because they share a slightly similar form-factor?
    What if the next trend in smart phones is a clam-shell form-factor? Or a wearable hud? Or some implantable device?
    Similar form factor does not mean their sales figures can, or should be compared.

    Apple's to f'n oranges.
    You're basically saying ... meh, they're both round and edible so they're the same.

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  • VicMacs
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    Genius, I say.

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  • Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn

  • Renverse
    May 6, 06:35 AM
    I can only see the Macbook Air and maybe the Mac Mini move to ARM. ARM Processors are not ANYWHERE fast enough to meet the current Quadcore i-Processors on the speed.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. COMO DIBUJAR A FOUR ARMS!

  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 02:44 PM
    While I think Apple should make Mac OS X available as a download, I'd rather that it was done as a .iso that customers could burn to a DVD.

    I don't like the idea of having to install Snow Leopard first before installing Lion in the event of needing to restore.

    Putting it on the Mac App Store raises an interesting issue about licencing - they said that purchases could be used on any Mac that you use.

    That opens them up to a lot of abuse.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. y los pasos para llegar a
  • y los pasos para llegar a

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:25 PM
    Because those screens WILL look better to those normal customers. Text and graphics will look sharper, and clearer.

    The iPhone screen, before the retina screen, had a higher resolution than macs. People could not see individual pixels. Despite that, ask any Tom Dick or Harry on the street, and they will be unequivocal that the Retina screen is far better looking than the 3GS screens.

    The iPhone, before the current model had a screen res of 320 x 480

    The first iMac, made 13 years ago in 1998 (the G3) had a screen res of 1024x768 the same as an iPad2 they are making today.

    The first Apple Mac in 1984, 27 years ago had a screen res of 512�342 on a black and white screen.

    I don't know where you get your statement than the "iPhone had a higher resolution than macs"

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Cómo dibujar personajes de
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  • Bleubird2
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    Call me naive (or perhaps paranoid) but I've been assuming my location is being tracked since I bought my first smart phone years ago.

    Yeah, I just assume if you're using a device that is connected to the internet in some way, you're being tracked in one way or another. We are constantly faced with privacy and technology issues. As someone else has already said, if you don't want to worry about privacy issues disconnect from the internet entirely,14358/ (lol). If you want your location private, get away from smartphones entirely.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. unos pasos para dibujar un
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  • dgree03
    Mar 29, 09:32 AM
    From what I understand dropbox for starters...

    Dropbox sells music and movies?

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  • alent1234
    Mar 29, 08:48 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    computers are last century, this is aimed at Android users like me with a phone with only 8GB of storage. no need to buy another SD card since i can dump part of my itunes library to amazon now

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  • mscriv
    May 5, 10:19 AM
    Wow, one person in your little band of misfits dies and look at the lot of you, shaking your fists at the sky and screaming to the gods that life's not fair.

    Ok, I'll break from character to explain a little:

    The system is solid and consistent between the villain and the heroes. I think you all are over thinking it. Ravenvii said early on in his explanation that it might be easier to think of the villains turns as points to avoid confusion. Basically during my round I earn 2 points to spend any way I choose. Some actions require one turn/point to accomplish. For example:

    - move to a new room
    - self heal

    Thus, if during my turn I choose to move or heal then in essence I've used one of the 2 points/turns to accomplish this task meaning for the rest of the round I only have 1 point/turn left. Setting traps or sending out my minions cost various points and thus I must save up points for some things. If I choose to save points then I'm essentially forfeiting action in that turn or for the entire round by choosing to carry over the point or points to my next round.

    Heroes actions work the same way they just aren't broken down into points for easier understanding. You could choose to think of it as getting 2 points at the beginning of your rounds as well and in turn it would cost you 1 point to do any of the following:

    - explore a room
    - move to a new room

    Thus, with your entire round you can take two actions or turns, each costing one point. The only difference is heroes can't save up points like the villain can.

    So, you see, the system is consistent on both sides.

    Now don't tell anyone I helped you out. I've got a reputation to uphold as a nasty villain and all. ;)

    Pasos Para Dibujar. pasos para dibujar una mujer
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  • Jimmy23
    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)


    Pasos Para Dibujar. los pasos para diseñar un
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  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:35 AM
    so once these are released, what are the chances if my MBP was broken Apple Care would replace it with a new Core 2 Duo one?It's possible. I've heard of iBooks replaced with MacBooks and iMac G5's with Intel ones.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. pasos para dibujar a un
  • pasos para dibujar a un

  • bushido
    Mar 29, 01:47 PM
    Highly debatable. More than likely working conditions would be far superior to what they are in China or Japan, and everyone knows happy employees are good employees.

    and with our working hours and attitude we'll have 5 finished iPods by the end of the day instead of 493840384038403840 :P


  • NebulaClash
    Mar 28, 10:30 AM

    Seems like this timeline will screw up upgrades for iPhone 6 for people who buy iPhone 5. Unless, of course, they move all iPhone releases to the fall.

    An idea I've been suggesting for some time. A fall release cycle makes more sense in that it plays to the big Christmas quarter.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Consejos Para Dibujar Manga:
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  • braddouglass
    Mar 30, 01:46 PM
    Prices way to high.. just buy an external hard drive.. even if you bought a ridiculously expensive fireproof one it would be more practical

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Simples Pasos Para Dibujar Un
  • Simples Pasos Para Dibujar Un

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 01:59 PM
    This is easy to see

    MobilMe Becomes Free

    MobilMe gets laden with 1Ads

    All part of the Apple strategy

    I would be happy to keep paying $99/year for adfree Mobilme

    What exact strategy is this? People are confusing what Google, Yahoo or Microsoft would do versus Apple. Consumer are so encumbered with the concept that free means advertising they cannot see any other way. We've used iTunes for free since it's inception with nary an ad that didn't focus on media.

    I dun know if MobileMe is going free or not but I doubt Apple has much interest in advertising beyond the App Store.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn
  • Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    I could see iAd playing a role in this decision. Apple
    pays for it through ads. Makes sense.

    It makes absolutely no sense.

    Steve Jobs said iAd was a way to have Free or low cost apps on the app store and still get the developer a little compensation.

    How does that translate into a closed cloud service like Mobileme? Apple isn't trying to be Cupertino Google here.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn
  • Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn

  • roland.g
    May 4, 03:54 PM
    On yesterday's MacBreak Weekly they were talking about this. The consensus was that the d/l version will be ultra cheap similar to SL b/c Apple wants people to migrate quickly. And then there will be a retail box that will sell for more for those who either can't or don't want to d/l. There is a patter of this in iLife, iWork, Aperture, etc., where the d/l version is much less expensive than the retail box.

    And I'm fine with that. Bought Aperture when the Mac App Store debuted because of the new price. However, while people will say "partition your drive for OS and Apps and another partition for data so that you can wipe the OS partition for installs, etc." - because I like to do a clean install of the OS when I get it, and typically with a new machine I still reinstall it without all the languages, print drivers, fonts I won't ever need, I don't want to get a new iMac now and then in a couple months install Lion clean after just setting up the new machine. I'll wait. Get the new iMac with Lion. Wipe the OS and reinstall it slimmed down. Then add my Apps and data.

    Pasos Para Dibujar. Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn
  • Los pasos para dibujar una portada según Scott Cohn

  • islanders
    Jul 23, 09:36 AM
    If Apple is really trying to stay state-of-the-art, they will lose Yonah as soon as Intel's supply can keep up with Apple's production volume. On the MacBook front, this should be able to happen by October-November, I imagine.

    If Apple doesn't put Core 2 Duo in MacBooks @ 1.83 & 2GHz by November, the competition on the PC front is going to make Apple look like they are selling outdated products as if they are current. This will not fly among savy buyers and MacBook sales might falter - perhaps even tank without such a switch. :eek:

    Almost all mobile computers selling for more than $1k by November will be Core 2 Duo. So for the holiday shopping season, Apple has got to put them inside MacBooks by then.

    This seems to be a realistic approach� how long can Apple wait?

    Just because Intel is shipping Merom, who are they shipping to? Apple? Dell? Sony?

    When are these chips going to be delivered to Apple for at least one line of MBP?

    Is it possible we are getting ahead of ourselves here? After all Apple was the last player to sign with Intel.

    Or has Intel already produced enough chips to satisfy demand before shipping to any single company?

    Aug 12, 04:05 PM
    If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...

    I don't understand.

    I think the update will come before Septemver 16th. If I order before the 16th I can take advantage of the free iPod. I don't care if this means order, ship in x weeks.

    Apr 23, 07:36 PM
    They use a lot more CPU time to process though.

    Again, KDE 2.0, 10 years ago. My Pentium 2 333 mhz didn't break a sweat doing SVG icons then (the Krystal SVG icon theme). ;)

    I seriously doubt this is even an issue.

    You said yourself that wallpapers should be vector graphics. And by that, I presumed you meant the background in the subject of the thread. Safari supports SVG, but imo, it's not really a big thing that there's no support for it as a wallpaper. It's not the first thing people think of when they list Snow Leopard's shortcomings :P

    Sure it's not, but why bother making bigger and bigger pixel images when implementing vector art both has precedent (Gnome, KDE, all the Linux WMs or almost all of them) and is superior for this application.

    For images that can't be easily converted, I'm with you. But I don't understand the resistance to SVG support, which would be a decade late. Sure it's not a shortcoming, but in light of these stories, it would be a "nicer to have".

    Mar 29, 03:41 PM
    The reason that simple, brainless product assembly is not done in the US has nothing to due with low quality. It is due to lower manufacturing costs in China, which has no regulations.

    There is no evidence at all that American-made products are of lower quality than any other country's products. (Is there any fighter jet better than the American-made F-16 or F-22?)

    Right I get that, and thats the point. On the military note does any country spend/waste more money than us on our armed forces. Not even close.

    Mar 29, 08:38 AM
    Dang... I feel like $80 a month is a LOT of money for 1TB of space. Especially when you can pay $70 ONCE and get your own 1TB drive.

    Of course there are many benefits of having your data "in the cloud," but I think their prices are way too high.

    Apr 2, 11:31 AM
    Great service. I purchase several albums from Amazon per year just because their promotional pricing is fantastic (Foo Fighters Greatest Hits is $3.99 and they gave me a $2 coupon too).

    But an Adobe AIR Client for Mac? Really, Amazon? I'll wait to native Mac applications like Cyberduck support it.

    Apple better get on the ball with this.

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